Sance-Sandelin Consulting and Engineering Oy


(miljoonaa euroa)

Tilikauden tulos

(tuhatta euroa)
Liikevaihto (tuhatta euroa)4474
Liikevaihdon muutos %9,3%
Liiketulos (tuhatta euroa)406
Käyttökate %8,5%
Liikevoitto %8,4%
Tilikauden tulos (tuhatta euroa)365
Lähde: Suomen Asiakastieto
Virallinen nimi
Sance-Sandelin consulting and engineering OyLähde: YTJ
Sance-Sandelin consulting and engineering LTDLähde: YTJ
OsakeyhtiöLähde: YTJ
TurkuLähde: YTJ
Yrityksen liikevaihtoluokka
2–10 milj. euroaLähde: Fonecta-konserni
Toimipaikan henkilöstöluokka
20–49 henkilöäLähde: Fonecta-konserni
Toimialaluokitus (TOL2008)
71122 Maa- ja vesirakentamisen tekninen palveluLähde: YTJ
Voimassa olevat rekisteröinnit
Verohallinnon perustiedot: 1.4.2003
Kaupparekisteri: 17.3.2003 Lähde: YTJ
Sance - Exceeding customer expectations

Sance Ltd is an engineering and design company based in Raisio, near Turku yard. Our multifaceted team consists of talented and experienced professionals who all bring their innovative know-how to every single customer project. Our services can be divided to four main sections: marine, offshore, construction industry and turnkey services. In the field of marine our company has been a major player for decades. Interior design, concept design, HVAC, machinery, deck outfitting, piping – contact us to hear about our thorough design and engineering services. Our team of professionals provides solutions also for offshore purposes. In offshore our services include for example: Front Front End Engineering Design (FEED), detail design, installation and Site supervision, project management, consulting and accommodation modules. In process industry we offer layout engineering, piping engineering, HVAC engineering and steel structure engineering among other services. In construction industy our engineering and design services vary from modular building to electrical systems, industrial design and energy-efficient solutions. Our turnkey services are built upon our versatile knowledge in the field of shipbuilding. The turnkey service package includes engineering and design, material purchasing, manufacturing, installation and site supervision. Contact us for more information!

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